General Information
Ground floor approx. 52.00 sqm
First floor approx. 147.00 sqm
Population - 612,178
The catchment area has around two million residents and extends far beyond the city boundaries into the Ruhr region to the north, Wuppertal to the east, Krefeld and Mönchengladbach to the west and Leverkusen to the south. The Rhine-Ruhr conurbation is also one of Europe's the most densely populated regions.
Purchasing power: 117.6
One of Düsseldorf's most impressive retail statistics is its very high purchasing power index of 117.6 (national average = 100). This puts it among the top seven German cities and in second place behind Munich in terms of purchasing power. Another impressive statistic is
Düsseldorf's per capita retail sales area of more than 1.64 square metres. A centrality index ranking of 116.2 also puts Düsseldorf among the leading German cities (third place).